
The cast of Fuego Raw Talent consists of 45 dancers and 14 singers.
It's more than a show – NDs Dance is an established dance company for many years. Some of them started with the dance company when ND founded it ten years ago.

The Magnet Man moves thru the fundamental duality in life, the positive and negative. The friction that is created when the positive meets the negative is pure energy. He is the negative and the dancers are the positive. He tries to manipulate the positive and creates imbalance thru is negativity but the positivity is stronger and he has to lay down his magnet at the end.
El Hombre Imán se mueve a través de la dualidad fundamental de la vida, lo positivo y lo negativo. La fricción creada cuando se encuentra lo positivo y lo negativo es pura energía. El es lo negativo y los bailarines son lo positivo. EL trata de manipular lo positivo creando desbalances pero el positivismo es más poderoso y al final debe bajar sus imanes.